Employer Self-Serve FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions for Employer Self-Serve

What is OP&F’s Employer Self-Service Web (ESS) Program?

ESS is an online portal that employers use to submit their monthly reporting and payments. ESS is secure and can be accessed from the OP&F website. All employers are required to complete their monthly reporting using ESS. Employers can submit their Work History Report, Employer Payment Remittance and schedule ACH payments all within ESS.

How do I set up access to ESS? Can I setup multiple users?

Please contact Employer Education at 1-888-863-8464 to request your ESS user credentials and to set up multiple users.

Can I upload my monthly report into ESS?

Yes. Employers can upload a .txt file into ESS or enter the data manually within a system generated reporting shell. The .txt file layout specifications can be found on the OP&F website.

How will I know I have submitted my monthly report successfully?

Upon submitting a Work History Report, an on-screen confirmation that the report has been successfully submitted will pop up. In addition, employers can view submitted reports from the History button within Work History Reports.

What if I need to correct a previously submitted report?

Before trying to resubmit a Work History Report, please contact your assigned Employer Services Specialist for instructions on how to address the matter. A listing of Employer Services Specialists can be found on the OP&F website under the Employers tab.

What if I forget my password or get locked out of the ESS portal?

If you are locked out of ESS or receive a message that your account has been suspended, please contact OP&F Customer Service at 1-888-864-8363.

When reviewing my report detail, what if I encounter exception messages?

Exception messages provide valuable information that will allow you to correct your report before submitting it. You should review all exception messages individually or from the Work History Exceptions Report. There are specific circumstances that an exception does not indicate an error exists. For example, some fire reports have base hours that are uncommon and cause an exception. If the base hours are accurately reported, then these exceptions are considered acceptable and you may proceed with submitting your report.

Can I submit both my police and fire monthly reports at the same time?

No. You must submit your police and fire Work History Reports separately.

Can I request training to use the ESS portal?

Yes. Please contact Employer Education at 1-888-864-8363.